We love hearing from our community. Your feedback provides us with an opportunity to continually improve the delivery of the healthcare we provide.
Whether you want to tell us what we are doing right, or where you believe there is room for improvement, the Townsville Hospital and Health Service values hearing from you.
We take your privacy very seriously and all feedback is considered confidential. You can also provide feedback anonymously.
How to provide compliments, complaints and suggestions:
- Talk to your nurse directly or ask to speak to the manager of the area
- Complete the ‘please tell us’ form located throughout the health service
- Place this form in a feedback box, hand it to a staff member or post it to the Patient Feedback Services
Patient Feedback Service
Townsville University Hospital
PO Box 670
- Email {"ct":"XAa8xxhH2B6eTmw5GfQJsA8DD8Jh4uanW3E6dGY8GoUhJ8Wco8gWBkxk1TGioo7r","iv":"578ec11d307be67bb433f32fc7eb6005","s":"e42ba8b6caa3ed8c"}
- Phone (07) 4433 1074 (Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm)
- Complete the online feedback form below
If you have provided your contact details, we will contact you about the matters raised in your feedback. Find out more here.
Let us know what you think
Personal information collected by the Townsville Hospital and Health Service (HHS) is handled in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009. The information you provide in this form will be securely stored and only accessible by the Townsville HHS. Your personal information may be shared with other health care teams who have been involved in your treatment or organisations that are relevant to the feedback you provide. The personal information you provide on this feedback form will not be disclosed to parties external to the Townsville HHS who were not involved in your care without your consent, unless we are required by law to release your information e.g. police warrant or subpoena. If you do not provide your personal information we will not be able to contact you to hear your feedback. For information about how the Townsville HHS protects your personal information, or to learn about your right to access your personal information, please see our website at https://www.qld.gov.au/legal/privacy.
Unhappy with our response?
If you’re unhappy with our response, please talk to us. If you’re still not happy with the outcome of your feedback there are independent services provided by the Office of the Health Ombudsman and Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.
Consumer feedback 2021 - 2022
The Public Service Act 2008 requires the Townsville Hospital and Health Service to publish information in relation to consumer feedback.
Total compliments received: | 1,839 |
Total complaints received: | 1,594 |
Complaints acknowledged within five calendar days: | 100% |
Complaints resulting in further action *: | 116 |
Complaints resulting in no further action: | 1,478 |
* The Townsville Hospital and Health Service has defined this as the number of complaints with a severity assessment of ‘Moderate’ or higher and were not resolved at frontline. |
Contact us
Phone: (07) 4433 1074 (Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm)
Go beyond the feedback
Great ideas come from the people who use our services because they know firsthand what it is like to be a patient or family member of someone in our care. If you have great ideas, consider joining one of our consumer groups.
Your compliments are shared with the staff who provided your care, and positive feedback is appreciated and valued by our team.
Suggestions for improvement
Suggestions for improving the services we provide are always welcomed. All suggestions will be taken to the appropriate forum for review, discussion and consideration.
Complaints and concerns
As a patient, consumer or client of the Townsville Hospital and Health Service, you have the right to make a complaint about services you, or someone you know, received that did not meet your expectations.
Interpreter services
If you need an interpreter when providing feedback, please speak with a staff member who can arrange an interpreter for you.