Health equity
Townsville Hospital and Health Service is committed to providing equity of access to high quality health care services and building relationships based on inclusion with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their communities.
The health service remains committed to achieving life expectancy parity for Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples by 2031.
Our goal is to ensure all people accessing our health services receive high-quality and person-centred care which is culturally responsive, empowers self-care and choice, and is designed to improve health and wellbeing.
Townsville Hospital and Health Service's First Nations Health Equity Strategy, which was unveiled in October 2022, highlights our commitment to create an equitable health system and eliminate institutional racism and discrimination across our public health system.

Townsville Hospital and Health Service Health Equity Strategy 2022-2025
The Townsville Hospital and Health Service First Nations Health Equity Strategy 2022-2025 provides a pathway towards cultural change.
This plan is a guide to achieve the fundamental changes needed to ensure our services are responsive to the cultural needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, our staff have the knowledge and skills required to deliver care in culturally safe ways and that our work environment are culturally respectful and supportive for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients, consumers, families, communities and workforce.
It is a shared responsibility for everyone in the health service to address health inequity and our Health Equity Strategy outlines five priority areas:
- Actively eliminating racial discrimination and institutional racism
- Working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations to design, deliver, monitor and review services
- Delivering sustainable, culturally safe and responsive healthcare services
Increasing access to healthcare services - Influencing the social, cultural and economic determinants of health
In developing this strategy we consulted our community about what was important. Read the full feedback summary here.
Contact us
Find the Townsville Hospital and Health Service on Facebook to stay connected to our health equity journey
Related resources
Reconciliation Action Plan 2023-2025
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Workforce Strategy 2022-2031
National Agreement on Closing the Gap 2020
Reconciliation Action Plan 2019-2021
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Engagement Strategy (2019)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Advisory Council