'Founding father' of endocrinology services in north Queensland retires after a lifetime in healthcare
Published: 16 September 2024

More than four decades after he established endocrinology services in north Queensland, Dr Yong Mong Tan is farewelling Townsville Hospital and Health Service.
The beloved endocrinologist leaves behind an enduring legacy, having also founded the region’s multidisciplinary diabetes and endocrinology pregnancy clinic, as well as a diabetes foot clinic – both of which have transformed the lives of thousands of north Queenslanders.
Dr Tan said the decision to retire came with mixed emotions.
“Retirement brings both a sense of sadness and relief; sadness that I am leaving my colleagues and friends and saying goodbye to my lifelong career, but also relief as I look forward to a more relaxed pace in life,” he said.
Dr Tan’s illustrious career in medicine in Australia began in 1977 when he arrived in Townsville with his wife Jennifer as resident medical officers at the Townsville General Hospital, having graduated from the University of Singapore Medical School.
“It was a bit of a cultural shock when we first arrived in Townsville; coming from a large city in Singapore, Townsville looked a bit like a small village, but we very quickly felt at home at the hospital.”
Dr Tan and his wife eventually left Townsville so he could complete his basic physician and advanced endocrinology training.
In 1983-1984, while working as an endocrinology advanced trainee in Adelaide, Dr Tan received an offer to return to north Queensland.
“The secretary of the Endocrine Society of Australia rang me one day and said Townsville needed an endocrinologist,” he said.
Dr Tan embraced the opportunity, becoming Queensland’s first registered endocrinologist based outside of Brisbane.
“When I returned to Townsville, I was very busy consulting and treating patients from Townsville and surrounding areas, and it wasn’t unusual to work until 9 o’clock at night in those days,” he said.
Over the next 40 years, Dr Tan helped grow and mature Townsville’s endocrinology and diabetes department into a much sought-after posting for advanced trainees in endocrinology.
“The highlight of my career has certainly been starting endocrine services in the region, as well as starting our multidisciplinary diabetes and endocrine in pregnancy antenatal clinic and the high-risk diabetes foot clinic so that we can address the special needs of these patients.”
Dr Tan also acknowledged the many friendships he formed throughout his career.
“I’m very thankful to my colleagues, particularly the current department director Dr Usman Malabu, and, of course, Dr Kunwarjit Sangla,” he said.
“To coincide with my retirement, Dr Sangla has graciously arranged for me to present my life story to my peers at the upcoming Medical Grand Round, which is a great honour.
“I’m very pleased to be leaving at a time when the endocrinology team is stronger than ever – it’s one big, happy family.”
Townsville Hospital and Health Service medical service group clinical director Dr Kunwarjit Sangla has helped carry on Dr Tan’s legacy, overseeing a major expansion of endocrinology services in Townsville.
“Dr Tan is a teacher, researcher, an astute clinician, and a wonderful human being,” Dr Sangla said.
“His contribution over the years to the people of north Queensland needs to be acknowledged and applauded, and I wish him the very best in his retirement.”
Women’s and children’s service group director Vicki Carson praised Dr Tan for his leadership in diabetes and endocrine care for pregnant women in the region.
“My colleagues and I have the utmost respect for Dr Tan’s clinical knowledge and skills and absolutely loved working with him because he is such a humble, kind and generous man,” Vicki said.
Dr Tan said he planned to remain in Townsville during his retirement, with his daughter, Joanne, currently working as a senior staff specialist in the hospital’s medical oncology department.