Midwifery Group Practice
Women using the Midwifery Group Practice (MGP) model of care will have a known midwife who works with one or more backup midwives to provide care from early in pregnancy, throughout labour and birth, and for up to six weeks after birth. MGP midwives work closely with Townsville University Hospital obstetricians and other health care professionals, allowing the team to care for pregnant women regardless of their pregnancy risk or the complexity of their care.
Where possible, MGP antenatal care is provided at the Kirwan Health Campus providing a more relaxed, community-focussed environment for women.
If all is well following the birth of your child, you can expect to be discharged between six and 24 hours post birth or 72 hours following caesarean.
Following the birth of your child, postnatal and newborn care is provided in the community, usually in the woman’s home for up to six weeks.
Pregnancy Risk
Women can receive care from the MGP regardless of their pregnancy risk. Pregnancy risk is based on medical conditions that impact on the pregnancy. Medical complications can be present prior to pregnancy or arise during pregnancy. Women receiving care from the MGP give birth at Townsville University Hospital birth suites with access to advanced medical equipment and staff.
How do I access MGP?
Phone MGP to be placed on our wait list with details including your full name, date of birth, contact number, estimated due date, what number pregnancy this is, and information about your previous births (vaginal, caesarean). It is important to contact our team early into your pregnancy (eight-12 weeks gestation) as our wait list fills quickly.
It is also important to see your GP early in your pregnancy within the first 10 weeks to confirm the pregnancy and to start your antenatal care. Your GP will also create a referral to Townsville University Hospital as well as arrange pregnancy screening and blood tests.
We will contact you if you are successful in being placed in the MGP; in the meantime, continue your early pregnancy care with your GP.
If you haven’t been contacted by the MGP by 14-16 weeks you should arrange a booking-in appointment with Townsville University Hospital’s Women’s and Children’s Clinic by phoning (07) 4433 1450. You will remain on the MGP waitlist and may still be contacted by our team after this time. Please note, the MGP accepts mothers who live within a 40km radius from Townsville University Hospital.
Contact us
Midwifery Group Practice
Phone: (07) 4433 9486
Fax: 4433 9271
GP referrals
GPs, please send referrals to the Referral Hub at {"ct":"dd+gXzjeHcLzIFk10CLO4KSTAe\/9akwWaFkGg+6eMPVRA5CTWswyuoosbJXggJD5","iv":"1e8bee8453c1551d5665296d5c5d9212","s":"ddbe5daf43b92272"}
Women’s and Children’s Clinic
Ph: (07) 4433 1450