Right to Information portal
The Queensland Government has made a commitment to provide access to the information it holds, unless on balance it is contrary to the public interest to provide that information.
The Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) and the Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act) aims to make more information available, provide equal access to information across all sectors of the community, and provide appropriate protection for individuals' privacy.
The Right to Information process gives the public the right to access and amend information held by public-sector agencies in Queensland, unless there is a good reason for it not to be provided. You have a right to access your personal information held by government under the Information Privacy Act 2009. You have a right to access personal and non-personal information held by government under the Right to Information Act 2009.
This legislation replaces the former Freedom of Information Act 1992.
Further information about Whole of Government policy and the relevant legislation is available from the RTI website.
Right to Information requests at Townsville Hospital and Health Service
The Right to Information (RTI) process within the Townsville Hospital and Health Service is managed by the Release of Information (ROI) Unit at Townsville University Hospital. All RTI applications for Townsville Health and Hospital Service facilities or services are sent to the ROI Unit.
For assistance with your RTI application or for additional information please contact the Release of Information Unit.
Before you make a Right to Information application:
If you are looking for information about our services, activities or plans for the future, you may be able to access the information you are seeking without using the RTI process.
Before submitting an RTI application, we recommend:
- searching online - Search our website or view our disclosure log or publication scheme to see if the information is available online
- contacting us - our Release of Information Unit or our data custodian may be able to help you find the information
- open data - Queensland Government agencies are part of the open data strategy. The objective of the open data revolution is to publicly release as much government data as possible, in a way that is useful and meaningful to the public. The Department of Health Open Data Strategy 2015 – 2017 outlines our commitment to open data. In releasing data on the open data portal, we will ensure it does not compromise privacy legislation, public safety, security or commercial confidentiality.
Access to the Queensland Health data sets is available here.
Additional Queensland Hospital performance information is available here.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare data is available here:
How to make a Right to Information application:
You can request information by applying online here.
Alternatively, you can download the Right to Information and information privacy information access application form and submit it by mail, in person or by email to {"ct":"rCZJFugBuHcGSdszdaeVXXd7HNHNxwe7Xt3rqZSRlng=","iv":"e47e820f4070d141ce23a4db2e86fd7e","s":"5c45d9a160c122d9"}
Some fees and charges apply to RTI and IP applications.
You can find more information here about how to make an application under the RTI Act.
You can find more information here about how to make an application under the IP Act.
Checking your application:
Before we can process your application, it must meet the criteria outlined below and be a valid application in accordance with the relevant Act. Please check your application meets the criteria below:
- in writing (use the relevant form)
- provide an address to which correspondence can be sent
- contain enough details about the documents being requested to allow the HHS to identify the documents
- provide certified evidence of your identity if you are seeking personal information under the Information Privacy Act 2009
- be accompanied by the application fee if your application is for documents under the Right to Information Act 2009 (this fee cannot be waived)
Right of review:
If you are dissatisfied with a decision we have made under either the Right to Information Act 2009 or the Information Privacy Act 2009, you can apply to have that decision reviewed.
An application to have a decision internally reviewed must be made within 20 business days of the date of the letter communicating the decision.
You can also apply to have the decision reviewed by the Office of the Information Commissioner.
You can find information here explaining your review rights.
Contact us
Phone: (07) 4433 1319
Fax: +61 7 4433 1331
Release of Information Unit
Townsville Hospital and Health Service
PO Box 670
Townsville QLD 4810
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm (excluding public holidays)
Related links
Health records and personal information
Queensland Health Right to Information
Queensland Government Right to Information webpage
Queensland Government Open Data Strategy
Population Health Data and Statistics