Employee records
Current and former employees are entitled to access their own employee records in accordance with Part 3 of the Public Service Regulation 2008.
There are six categories of records to which access will not be provided under this administrative arrangement:
- medical reports about the employee, where disclosure may be prejudicial to the employee's mental or physical health or well being
- employee assistance provider documents about the employee
- Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010 documents about the employee
- documents about the employee concerning suspected official misconduct or its investigation
- documents about the employee concerning a suspected criminal offence or its investigation
- documents to which legal professional privilege applies
When making an application under administrative access for employee records you need to submit a request in writing to the Human Resources Unit together with evidence of identity. Please submit proof of your identity (either a photocopy of your driver’s licence or full birth certificate or passport) certified by a Justice of the Peace or Commissioner of Declarations as a true copy of the original document.
If, however, the employee records you are requesting fall under any of the above six categories, you will need to contact the Release of Information Unit for advice on whether you need to apply through the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) or the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld).
Contact Us
Release of Information Unit
Townsville Hospital and Health Service
PO Box 670
Townsville QLD 4810
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm (excluding public holidays)
Telephone: + 61 7 4433 1319
Email: {"ct":"2uq77IB4fBBC7MZny6yHfpj9RpQ4VUA8Qq7QPkDCF08=","iv":"6137d46bcab74d720bdddc08cdcf1c8c","s":"4ac30af4b8b78337"} or {"ct":"t8jQd3GqQ6ciDqlrgnF2A+J0msOz4jfZ3y6hERUE3JkAWiqDiNIelc6Djx8SbGoG","iv":"63afb3650de1d9027c944597193f9228","s":"a08e3d918a6381d4"}
Fax: +61 7 4433 1331