Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients and consumers represent a significant proportion of the inpatient, community and emergency presentations within the health service. The Townsville Hospital and Health Service (HHS) is committed to improving health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by providing visible, culturally competent and capable care to our community through the design and development of services, programs and appropriate models of care.
The Townsville HHS also works in partnership with TAIHS to deliver a range of services including:
- Syphilis PoCT
- Child Health Nurse
- Maternity Care
- Endocrine
- Chronic Kidney Disease
- Dietetics
- Sexual Health
Indigenous Health Services Division
The Townsville HHS has an Indigenous Health Services Division (IHSD) led by our Executive Director for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health. The IHSD is committed to:
- Improving the health outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
- Supporting the delivery of the Cultural Practice Program
- Ensuring that all staff are culturally competent
- Increasing the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff working for the Townsville HHS
- Supporting the development of existing staff
- Engaging with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
- Service delivery at the Joyce Palmer Health Service and Palm Island Primary Health Care Centre
- Working with other service groups and divisions to support the development and implementation of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Initiatives across the Townsville HHS
Indigenous Health Workers
The Townsville HHS understands the importance of having a workforce that reflects the diversity of our community. The HHS currently has Indigenous Health Workers embedded across the HHS in our maternity ward, children’s ward, renal units, cardiac units, mental health services, community health, sexual health and rural facilities. These health workers provide support to clinical practice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people during their health journey and enhance the Townsville HHS's ability to provide culturally appropriate care.
Indigenous Hospital Liaison Officers
The Townsville HHS employs Indigenous Hospital Liaison Officers (IHLO) to help our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients, their families and carers to access services and receive effective, coordinated and culturally capable health care in the hospital setting. Our IHLOs play an integral role in helping Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people feel comfortable and safe when being treated in hospital. The role of the IHLO is to:
- Provide emotional, social and cultural support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their families who use the hospital
- Ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients and their families understand diagnoses, medical procedures and routines
- Raise awareness within the hospital to ensure that a culturally appropriate service is being provided
- Advocate and liaise with medical staff and team/community/government departments on behalf of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients and families
- Ensure the hospital has clear and appropriate policies and guidelines that enable easy access to services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients and their families
Health Service Support
Mental Health - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Wellbeing Assessment and Engagement Service (ATSIWAES)
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Wellbeing Assessment and Engagement Service (ATSIWAES) streamlines the way culturally appropriate mental health services are delivered to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers.
Community Health - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Program
The Townsville Hospital and Health Service community health service provides an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural support program to clients to help them navigate their care under community health.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander engagement
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Advisory Council
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Advisory Council (ATSICAC) is a forum of community representatives with cultural expertise in community and consumer engagement. The role of the council members is to provide advice to the Townsville Hospital and Health Board on issues of strategic significance and the provision of quality healthcare to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers.
For more information on the ATSICAC please visit the Consumer and Community Engagement page or contact {"ct":"vaRPwvlPmO99HXtsEYpazYltxCBKnHBokzNhZsDpQwGj8kLAA0XWUoHsmWiWH9gn","iv":"41e17a77ca15d2b8b79835502a9215e9","s":"9c77258c1e5595d0"}.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Leadership Advisory Council
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Leadership Advisory Council is committed to creating a sustainable and dependable health care system that excels in delivering a culturally capable health service that empowers, heals and enables Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to live stronger and longer.
Useful Resources
Palm Island facilities
Townsville Aboriginal and Islander Health Service
Contact Us
Indigenous Liaison Officers
Ph: (07) 4433 2227