Children’s health
Having an unwell child can be an extremely difficult and emotional time for a parent or carer. The Townsville Hospital and Health Service has a number of services specifically tailored to the care, treatment and recovery of children in the North Queensland community.
Children's Health services
Children’s Ward
Child Community Health
Child Oral Health
Child Mental Health
Child Development Services
Nurse Navigators
For children with chronic conditions requiring complex follow up, or those with complex chronic conditions, the health care system can be even more daunting. With regular admissions and outpatient appointments, and a number of different health professionals involved in your child’s care, the health care journey can quickly get overwhelming. To help you navigate the system, Townsville University Hospital has dedicated children’s nurse navigators who will work with you and your team of health care professionals, including your GP, to make a plan for your child’s health care picture. The nurse navigators will give you a central point of contact for all your questions, and provide a support person during your journey.
Patients must meet certain criteria to be eligible for this service. For more information, please contact the team.
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Contact Us
In an emergency you should always call 000.
For non-urgent health advice call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84)
To be put through to one of our wards please phone (07) 4433 1111.