Other service providers
A number of non-governmental health-service providers exist that can help members of the community with addiction. These include community-based residential treatment services such as detoxification and rehabilitation, and self-help and support groups.
Community-based treatment services:
- St Vincent de Paul Society Drug and Alcohol Residential Recovery Service – Townsville (07) 4417 4501
- Salvation Army Townsville Recovery Services, Townsville - For further information on services provided, phone (07) 4772 3607.
- Stagpole Street Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Unit (DARU), Townsville - For further information on services provided, phone 1300 258 322
- Lives Lived Well, Townsville – For further information on services provided, phone 1300 727 957.
Self-help services and support groups:
- Quitline - Free, 24-hour, telephone advice and information for smoking cessation. Phone 137 848
- Alcohol & Drug Information Service (ADIS) - Free, 24-hour, telephone information services for alcohol and drug issues. Phone 1800 177 833.
- Alcoholics Anonymous - For further information on local meeting times, phone (07) 4771 5411.
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Diversionary Centre:
- The Reverend Charles Harris Special Care Centre (Diversionary Centre), The Bohle - For further information, phone (07) 4774 4430.
Contact Details
In a life-threatening emergency:
Telephone triple zero (000) or 112 from mobiles
Intake and Referrals: (07) 4433 9600
North Ward Campus
35-43 Gregory Street,
North Ward QLD 4811
PO Box 5224,
Townsville MC QLD 4817
Phone: (07) 4433 9600
Fax: +61 7 4433 9641
24/7 Crisis assistance and support
Mental Health Intake and Referral:
Ph: 1300MH CALL (1300 64 2255)
24/7 Alcohol and Drug Information Service:
Ph: 1800 177 833
Related Links
Queensland Health - Mental Health
Mental Health Act 2016
Caring for somebody with a mental illness
Find a mental health service