Mobile Intensive Rehabilitation Team (MIRT)
The Mobile Intensive Rehabilitation Team (MIRT) provides intensive rehabilitation-focused, case-management support to mental health consumers experiencing complex and enduring mental health issues. Consumers of MIRT require increased supports to assist with recovery from major mental illness, frequent or lengthy inpatient admissions, reduced engagement with services, and/or difficulty with completing meaningful tasks that support independent living in the community. The team offers a combination of clinical and non-clinical support to consumers to address both mental health needs and improve overall quality of life.
MIRT is a multidisciplinary team that includes a consultant psychiatrist, a psychiatric registrar, mental health nurses, occupational therapists, social workers, rehabilitation assistants and a recovery support worker.
Consumers of MIRT who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander can also be supported by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker who works closely with the team.
Referral procedure
Referral to MIRT can be made via the email address: {"ct":"Tt3v1Mazwb5jLG7f7r3YCj3sTSqEZjrfXdyRpBzbkt72CNKa0M2mZexvCSQJxPJK","iv":"d6429fe2a1b19027e4d4e820d04a08fb","s":"f476e49a82ad3868"}. More information can be obtained by contacting MIRT directly telephone 4433 9863.
Contact Details
Kirwan Health Campus
138 Thuringowa Drive
Kirwan Qld 4817
Postal Address:
IMB 91
PO Box 306
Thuringowa Central
Ph: (07) 4433 9863
Fax: +61 7 4433 9869
24/7 Crisis assistance and support
Mental Health Intake and Referral:
Ph: 1300MH CALL (1300 64 2255)
24/7 Alcohol and Drug Information Service:
Ph: 1800 177 833
In a life-threatening emergency:
Telephone triple zero (000) or 112 from mobiles
Related Links
Queensland Health - Mental Health home page
Mental Health Act 2016
Caring for somebody with a mental illness
Find a mental health service