Palliative Care
The Townsville Palliative Care Service provides care to people living with a life-limiting illness across North Queensland. The purpose-built facility, located on Townsville University Hospital campus, is a level 5/6 specialist service. The facility comprises inpatient beds, offices for outreach services, and research and educational facilities.
The service provides holistic care with dedicated medical, nursing, social work and allied health staff. Services include:
- Inpatient care for management of complex symptoms and provision of end-of-life care
- Outpatient clinics (ground floor, oncology clinics)
- Consultation services to Townsville University Hospital and primary care providers in the region
- Outreach medical, social work and allied health services and contracted domiciliary nursing services to patients in the community
- Counselling and support for patients, relatives and staff dealing with the complex issues that arise at the end of life
- Educational programs for health workers from across North Queensland and students from James Cook University
- 24-hour grief and bereavement support and outreach for GPs and SMOs in remote and rural environments
Specialist Palliative Care Rural Telehealth (SpaRTa)/Care in the Right Setting (CaRS)
For many years, the Townsville Palliative Care Centre has been passionate about supporting palliative care patients in rural and remote locations. The Care in the Right Setting (CaRS) initiative has provided the means to do this.
This initiative is all about filling the gaps for people who don’t currently have good access to specialist palliative care. It aims to support locally-based care and increase local capacity.
The Townsville CaRS Hub will offer:
- patient consultations via telehealth
- telephone clinical support for clinicians in rural and remote regions (8am - 4pm, Monday to Friday)
- education (including case conferencing)
- access to equipment under the new MASS Palliative Care Equipment program
- Townsville will also provide palliative care support to Townsville Hinterland and islands, as well as the North West and Mackay regions
- After Hours 24/7 immediate advice for prescribers - 1300 725 537
Phone: (07)4433 7423
Fax: (07) 4433 4254
Email: {"ct":"NOE6iprilDnvjx8O6wQ05t2hlwN9VkizNfEPVRyEEilzCkQVtvHYvxdjGm7XI6tm","iv":"f06592de2be524751f71e8429f25dcb9","s":"049cc1658a5dcba0"}
This incredibly important service will be evaluated alongside the University of Queensland, Centre of Online Health which may approach you and/or the patient following your consent.
Specialist Palliative Care Rural Telehealth hopes to support rural and remote Queenslanders, their families and or support network alongside their local clinician/s.
Townsville Palliative Care Service Volunteers
The Palliative Care Service has a group of specially trained volunteers who provide support to patients of the service in the Palliative Care Centre and in family homes in the community. All volunteers are required to go through an application and training process, and their activities are managed by the volunteer coordinator. Volunteers provide a range of support including respite for carers, companionship, assistance with community access, and practical support. Volunteers are a daily presence in the Palliative Care Centre, where they provide support to patients and visitors, along with specialised services including massage, manicures and art activities.
If you would like to join our volunteer team, or would like information about joining, please contact the volunteer coordinator on 4433 4264 or 0428 649 066 or via e-mail on {"ct":"CcJaD0v2NKSmlBsYd3P3C91JlanANRrLr5pbrAIcHItb077zRjl2IJwkGaK2FCaxjMfF\/Pfql5zDOqhPGW9UVg==","iv":"f057254ec6618564d599bcbcd57cfa82","s":"34d77e445644d6dd"}. Alternatively, you can fill in the Palliative Care volunteer application form and email it through.
Referral Process
To access the Townsville Palliative Care Service phone 4433 4260 or fax written referrals to 4433 4261.
Useful Links:
Contact us
Townsville University Hospital, 100 Angus Smith Drive, Douglas, QLD 4814
Internal Mail Box 58, PO Box 670, Townsville QLD 4810
Ph: (07) 4433 4242
Fax: 07 4433 4241