Termination of pregnancy
Termination of pregnancy, or abortion, is a procedure that ends a pregnancy.
Townsville Hospital and Health Service established a termination of pregnancy service in March 2023 to ensure women of Townsville and surrounds could access termination services.
Women thinking of terminating a pregnancy should consider their options as early as possible as the options available to them become more limited and complicated as the pregnancy progresses.
If you are having difficulty accessing a general practitioner (GP) or other private provider for termination of pregnancy, contact the Nurse Navigator – Women’s Reproductive Health for support and advice.
Women wishing to terminate a pregnancy should see a GP or private termination of pregnancy provider as soon as possible. If hospital-based termination services are required your GP can refer you to these services.
Your options
If you are pregnant, there are three different options available to you: parenting, adoption and foster care, or termination. If you are not sure which option is best for you, Children by Choice can support you with their free all-options pregnancy counselling service to help you fully understand each option and help clarify your thoughts around your decision.
In Queensland, women can request a termination of pregnancy for any reason before they reach 22 weeks gestation. Requests over 22 weeks require two doctors to consider the request against a criteria and agree that the termination should proceed.
Women who choose to end a pregnancy will have different termination options depending on their gestation. These include:
· Early medical termination with MS-2-Step under nine weeks gestation via private provider telehealth or with a GP
· Surgical or medical termination over nine weeks gestation by a doctor in a private clinic or public hospital
Women wishing to terminate a pregnancy should see a GP or private termination provider as soon as possible. If hospital-based termination services are required your GP can refer you to these services
Children by Choice can support you with their free all-options pregnancy counselling service and have resources to help you fully understand each option and help clarify your thoughts around your decision. You can also call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) for confidential, professional and supportive health information.
If you are having difficulty accessing a private provider or GP for termination of pregnancy, contact the Nurse Navigator – Women’s Reproductive Health for support and advice.
Termination under nine weeks gestation
Medical terminations with MS-2-Step are available to women up to nine weeks gestation, through their GP or via a private provider.
Before being prescribed the medication a women must have a consultation, a blood test and usually an ultrasound. It is recommended that women wishing to have a medical termination talk to their doctor as early as possible and ideally no later than eight weeks.
You can access a medical termination via a local GP or a private termination provider. A number of GP’s offer this service locally.
Providers across the country offer tele abortion services and you can search for one online. Some women will be able to access a medical termination via telehealth using a computer or mobile phone.
For more information about the process and costs contact the provider, your GP, or Children by Choice.
If you are having difficulty finding a GP or private provider for early medical termination of pregnancy, contact the Nurse Navigator – Women’s Reproductive Health for support and advice.
Termination after nine weeks gestation
After nine weeks gestation a termination must be performed in a private clinic or public hospital, either as a surgery or an inpatient medical termination depending on gestation.
Townsville University Hospital (TUH) manages termination requests over 9 weeks gestation for women residing in the Townsville Hospital and Health Service catchment. Surgical termination services can be provided up to 14 (and sometimes 16) weeks as a day procedure. Terminations after this gestation are offered medically as an inpatient.
Most termination requests over 9 weeks are managed through the Women’s Reproductive Health Service at TUH. A formal ultrasound and referral from your GP are required for access to this service.
If you are having difficulty finding a GP or private provider to arrange your referral for termination of pregnancy after 9 weeks, contact the Nurse Navigator – Women’s Reproductive Health for support and advice.
Disclaimer: The inclusion of links to websites or health providers is not a recommendation or endorsement of any health provider, health professional, or their services. Use of services featured in these websites is undertaken at the user’s own risk.
In an emergency you should call triple zero (000) or attend the emergency department.
Support and information
Nurse navigator - Women’s Reproductive Health Service
Offers navigational support to women seeking termination of pregnancy services in Townsville and surrounds. Women seeking termination, clinicians, and other persons/services supporting someone seeking termination can call this service for advice.
· (m) 0476 799 755
· 07 4433 0359
· {"ct":"jPDVn9lI7kIgIEGqCfQZ503Wff+l5ZrjR5+SsINpYw8=","iv":"2226dc74fc42348b0c2f479d722dd496","s":"3ca452f3751e3bb1"}
· Monday to Friday 0800-1630
Call 13 43 25 84 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for confidential, professional and supportive health information from trained professionals.
Children by Choice
1800 177 725 (free call) offers free all-options pregnancy counselling, information and referrals Queensland-wide. Visit their website.
The Women's Centre (Townsville)
Offers free services including counselling, information and referral with a focus on homelessness, sexual crimes and domestic violence. Call (07) 4775 7555 or visit their website.
Women’s Health Queensland
1800 017 676 (free call) offers health promotion, information and education services for women and health professionals throughout Queensland. Visit their website.
True Relationships and Reproductive Health
Provides expert reproductive and sexual health care for all people. Visit their website.
MSI Australia (formerly Marie Stopes Australia)
Provides non-judgemental and holistic health care offering support to safely access sexual and reproductive health services.
Call MSI Australia on 1300 863 549 or visit their website.