Update: Clinical review into paediatric audiology care complete
Published: 12 July 2023

A clinical review into the paediatric audiology care delivered to 400 babies and children by Townsville University Hospital (TUH) is now complete.
Townsville Hospital and Health Service (HHS) chief executive Kieran Keyes said the review was commissioned following an audit of audiological care delivered to two groups of children - babies who required follow-up after their newborn hearing screen and children whose cochlear implant was programmed at TUH.
Mr Keyes said of the 341 babies referred after 1 January 2020 for follow-up diagnostic audiological testing after their newborn hearing screen, 59 children now need further follow-up care.
"Of the 59 children, 20 required urgent follow-up care while 39 require non-urgent care," he said.
"To date, all local children requiring urgent follow up have been seen and all children for non-urgent follow up have been contacted and we are in the process of arranging appointment times for these families.
"Families who have moved out of the area have been contacted and referrals provided to services in their area.
"Of the 59 children whose programming of cochlear implants may not have met appropriate clinical standards, we now know 14 required urgent recall.
"I can confirm we have seen all 14 of these children with their families in clinic."
Mr Keyes said while he could not provide specifics about the outcomes of each child, he wholeheartedly appreciated the impact this review had had on families.
"We know that for some families there will be more contact with our health service and we are steadfastly committed to supporting these families and their children during the next phase of care," he said.
"We are speaking one on one with each family to provide explicit details about their child’s care and answer any questions they may have."
Mr Keyes said a five-person expert panel would investigate audiology services, including broader systems, performance, and clinical governance at TUH.
"The panel includes a consumer representative who has a child with a cochlear implant. This person lives in another health service catchment area and has been nominated by the panel chair," he said.
"Delivering safe, quality care remains our commitment to our community.
“I understand that regardless of whether a child has been recalled for further care or had their care reviewed as part of this process, there has been great stress placed on families and I apologise sincerely for this.
"We are continuing to take steps with support from our colleagues at Children’s Health Queensland and Cochlear Australia to ensure the ongoing delivery of paediatric audiology services for north Queensland children.
"Delivering the best care for north Queensland babies and young children in their critical formative years remains one of our highest priorities.’’
Families with concerns about their child’s care can contact 4433 7902.